Release Notes
New Yanoff Release Notes PageHere are the changes new in release 3.1 on September 9, 2005 (from 3.0): * Added new "PgDown+Next Unread" & "PgUp+Prev Unread" Article ButtonActions * Fixed Left/Right/Center FiveWay ButtonAction support for Treo 650 devices * Ensure the "NG Prefs" field to receive the input focus is usable/visible * NG Polls always poll (override the fact that host server's "Poll" pref is off) * Fixed several Global Find quirks/crashes (especially when app not running) * Upgraded to latest palmresize (1.2.2 -> 1.2.5) w/ many DIA/resize bug fixes * If "Lines" header is missing, count actual lines of the body & kill if exceeds * Auto-select server to edit when user attempts to post w/ unmodified dummy data * Changed leftmost buttons from "OK" to "Back" (split width w/ next buton over) * Added a "real" default News server ( * Added "real" default NGs (comp.sys.palmtops.pilot & soc.religion.christian) * Do not prompt about overdue MID purging if MID DB is empty * Fixed MID (History) DB search/compare bug (sort might crash) * Disallow use of gmane news server when subscribing to non-gmane NGs * Added "over the air" character to all network activating actions/buttons/menus * Added Form Letter feature ("Fix-Your-Sig", "Fix-Your-Style", etc.) * Added "Visit Homepage" button to "About" screen * JogDial/FiveWay controls now access 3 Poll progress dialog's buttons (Yanoff+) * Filtered fields no longer beep for cursor movement (FiveWay) character inputs * Added filtering of "name" field of "NG Prefs" to disallow invalid characters * Correctly re-highlights text on re-enter (even last char in message) * All (i.e. Treo/T5) devices scroll even if text field doesn't have focus * Moved "Follow-Up Intro" string configurations to 2nd screen of "Misc Prefs" * Expanded "Re/F'Up"" ("Reply/Followup") labels on 2nd screen of "Misc Prefs" * Partial ButtonAction hard button labels based on HW model (e.g. Treo) * "!!!!Lost" and "!!!Sent" NGs are once again unsubscribable * Defaulted "Scroll Cue" feature to OFF (0) instead of ON. * Ensured "News" is NEVER allowed/available as the "Type" of first server * Changed the name of the bogus default mail server to "Dummy Mail Server" * "Select" hard button relabeled "Center" (for clarity) on ButtonAction Prefs * Updated many of Yanoff- ButtonAction Prefs' default actions * Last soft ButtonAction always settable when it should be on Prefs screen * Removed headings and widened most fields for single string input dialogs * Added our "official" slogan/tagline to the "About" screen * Change several instances of "Yanoff" text to "New Yanoff" (e.g. Global Find) * Fix incorrect "Server Prefs" error label for "Address" (was "Newsserver") * New "Com" menu on article screen * New "Go on-/off-line" menu item under "Com" menu on article screen * New "Reply" menu item under "Com" menu on article screen * New "Forward" menu item under "Com" menu on article screen * New "Followup" menu item under "Com" menu on article screen * New "New article" menu item under "Com" menu on article screen * New "New eMail" menu item under "Com" menu on article screen * New "eMail the author" menu item under "Com" menu on article screen * New "Test SMTP server" menu items under "Com" menu on article screen * Preview of "Browser Launch" feature infrastructure (4.0 feature) including: * Single Tap of email address in message text initiates email composition * Single Tap of URL in message text launches brower dialog * New ButtonActions (up to 6 flavors) for all screens * New menu items (up to 3 flavors) under all screens' "Com" menu * Rocker up/down updates selected list item for Server Selection & URL Prefix * Complete logical default FiveWay support on most dialogs (left/right/select) * As a result of above, changed several shortcut letters * Some help text typos cleanup (especially "Misc Prefs") * Restored left/right movement function to some broken input dialogs * Removed "keyboard" ButtonAction (no screens are editable so its useless!) * Fixed title bar vestiges on Article View with DIA closed when long->short * Fixed "liar" outgoing "Content-Transfer-Encoding:" MIME headers! * Encode trailing spaces when Content-Transfer-Encoding is "Quoted-Ptrintable" * Fixed ButtonAction menu items where "...EtScrn" should have been "...ExScrn" * Added "Info" menu with "List Subscribed NGs" option to "Server Prefs" screens * Fixed "Purge killfile" crash * Validate/repair "Followup-To:" headers in outgoing articles * Enforce rule: "Followup-To:" header must be subset of "To:" (except "POSTER") * Fixed crash when "too long since last MID Purge" dialog not on NG list screen * User is pushed into ButtonAction prefs on first visit to 3 main screens * Do not prompt user to purge MIDs if "Save MIDs" Poll Pref is unchecked * Modified (again) confusing "mail server not ready to use" error text * Made "Go on-/off-line" and "Network Prefs" work from within Yanoff- * Fixed incorrect hard button (FiveWay) override when menu bar is first opened * Fixed over-drawing of open menu list with message body text during redraw * Removed erroneous "crashed" dialog when returning from "Network Prefs" * Removed JogDial/FiveWay support from Yanoff- (expires in Yanoff+ now, too) * Upgraded to new SDK from PocketPurchase to fix these 4 problems: * Pocket Purchase: nag displayed when returning from "Network Prefs" * Pocket Purchase: nag-if-key-present-at-first-run error * Pocket Purchase: FiveWay center button no worky in their dialogs * Pocket Purchase: crash when entering crdit card expiration month * Fixed hollow-rectangle-instead-of-ellipses bug for Find results (OS 3.1 only) * Default blank sig lines changed from 0 to 1 Here are the bugs that are outstanding: * Cursor sometimes misplaced when returning to NG list screen * Occasional post-poll crash on some devices when memory is low (<600KB) * If poll started inside NG with 0 articles, screen improperly refreshed * Popup keyboard used to insert <Return> into field such as "T:" may lock field Here are the features on our ToDo list: * Color support * RSS Support * SSL Support * Full MIME support * Don't split mid-word when encoding Quoted-Printable * format=flowed support (support infrastructure currently exists) * Multi-language support * Memory Free in upper-right corner updated during purges * Turn off backlight during article thread/index * Export article to address book (Name=Name/Email=Email/Note=article) * Beam article as Memo * VFS support (including log-to preference) * Preference: Exported Memo destination category * Take WordWrap setting into account when Quoting article text for F'Up/Re * Custom-Headers-Exist indicator on NG Prefs * XFace support * Mail-Copies-To support * Left-handed scrollbar support (infrastructure exists now) Here are the changes new in release 3.0 on Januare 25, 2005 (from 2.1): SUPPORT FOR ADVANCED MODELS (much provided by 'palmresize' v 1.2.5) * [1] Complete Hi-Res screen (Font Hack, Fonts4OS5, FontSubst) support (Yanoff+) * [1] Complete screen sizes/shapes (DIA/slider/landscape) support (Yanoff+) * ButtonAction FiveWay/JogDial/VoiceMemo support for 3 main screens (Yanoff+) EASE OF USE * If inside a NG/message, Global Find only searches messages in that NG * Article font applies to message creation screen now, too * Enabled all soft buttons on the article list screen for all users * For most dialogs (Prefs screens) Hard Buttons shadow Soft Buttons * Focus and Selection set to most-frequently-modified field of each Pref screen * Rocker up/down does move/mod for checkbox-only Pref screens * New "Toggle font" (last 2 fonts used) ButtonAction (Yanoff+) * New "Forward" and "Forward w/ quote" article actions (Yanoff+) * New "Delete unmarked" ButtonAction to article list (NG) screen (Yanoff+) * New "Exit app" ButtonAction to all screens (Yanoff+) * New "Menu bar", "Global Find", and "Keyboard" ButtonActions (Yanoff+) * New "Sort NGs by PDB Name" option (undo for "Alphabetize NGs") (Yanoff+) * New "Edit" menu to ButtonPrefs screen (for editable label fields) * New "backwards" option to "GF Prefs" * New Misc pref to highlight chars on last line of next-to-last page (Yanoff+) * New Misc pref to alaways go to 1st unread article when entering NG (Yanoff+) * Hex ASCII now also reports number of characters * New "Headers" button and screen when editing outgoing messages * New "Reply-To" and "Followup-To" shorthand buttons to "Headers" screen * New "Insert" menu to "Headers" screen (e.g. 'Bcc', etc.) * New "Reset to" menu w/ "Factory default" & "Last saved" for most Pref screens SERVER ENHANCEMENTS * New user default server changed to which does not require auth * New users now have default subscribed NG "gmane.comp.handhelds.palm.yanoff" * Support for infinite number of mail servers (Yanoff+) * Same NG may now be subscribed on different servers (Yanoff+) * New server pref "Supply Outgoing MIDs" (generate @ send OR let server do it) * Fine-tuned server response parsing for slight speed increases * Widened the server names in the "Server Select" dialog * New "Server" menu w/ "Select Message's Server" for outgoing messages * New "Server" menu w/ "New", "Duplicate" and "Delete" for "Server Prefs" * New option to set all NGs' threading values if "Conduit" Poll Pref mods Y->N * Accomodated Lyris server bug where NNTP "HEAD" RC 220 is sent instead of 221 * "NG Poll" from inside "Outgoing" will send all outgoing messages MAINTENANCE AND CLEANUP * Contracted "To:" and "Sub:" to "T:" and "S:" on message editing screen * 100% Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval (GNKSA) compliance (header editing) * If scrollbar not required (removed), it's width is reclaimed for other fields * Changed MID intro token to standard URL format ("news:MID", not "<MID>") * Outgoing MID format is now: "<yf[+/-][date (hex)]%[username]@[hostname]>" * Rewrote table code to reclaim yet more wasted (inter-column) pixels * Eliminated redundant drawing (highlighted text flashes when entering article) * Added defensive code removing new Poll Prefs options for "Conduit" users * Do not store MID in History DB for hard-killed articles (think about it) * Replaced "cannot post to internal" error with server selection dialog * Always repair malformed/repeated "Re:" subjects (e.g. outgoing messages) * If body save fails, poll aborts (rather than repeated head-only saves) * Bad "T:" portions highlighted to indicate crossposting not allowed in Yanoff- * Added width and 1 line to field on "Headers" screen * Added width and 1 line to signature field on "Server Prefs" * Screen redrawn completely when alarm or other non-Yanoff drawing occurs * Added sanity check of 'Conduit' pref if Java Conduit usage is evident * Added automatic user warning to ensure MID Purge is run periodically * Auto-reformatting of messages in !!Outgoing when 'Conduit' pref changes * "Realname" no longer mandatory in "Server Prefs" (see below) * Rephrased confusing "you have to complete setup first" error string * Added "minor" (log) event whenever body is truncated * Prevent sending to obviously bad (*@*.invalid or whitespace) email addresses * Prevent mismatched SMTP/NNTP-specific header use for outgoing messages * Added defensive code removing Alert Log "Logging Prefs" button if already open * Vastly improved email parsing (name/email) and outgoing message validation * Modified Exiting of app to be Gremlins-friendly (avoid crash from card launch) * Made Gremlins-safe for posting (only allow to misc.test and * Passed Gremlins-sanity for 1,000,000+ events! * No more occasional garbage-character-named, 0-record, 86-byte PDB files * Incoming messages' standards violation logs downgraded from error to minor * SMTP "Unknwown AUTH type" logs downgraded from error to minor * Many uses of "art/s" and "article/s" changed to "msg/s" and "message/s" * All (dozens of) unused text strings have been remvoed * Appended "|<art's server#>" to Title-bar text of the article Head view BUGS * Noted "Code Diver" causes (not unexpected) crash on v > 3.0 (built-in Hi-Res) * Noted "LightSpeed" causes occasional "snowy screen" (depending on settings?) * Fixed the "unpolled" option to work for "Conduit" users * Fixed crash parsing unknown EHLO values (e.g. when sending email * Fixed post-poll crash if poll started inside NG with 0 articles * Fixed crash on article list screen whenever scoring is turned on * Fixed occasional no-good-reason timeouts when polling specific article bodies * Fixed bug where PgDown+Wrap did PgDown+Jump if 0 articles in NG * Fixed bug where "Auth Pass" label sometimes blank for latest OS5 devices * Fixed bug where "Followup-To" and "Reply-To" headers may not be posted * Scrollbar works in signature field even when focus is on other fields * Scrollbar works in Compose window even when focus is on "T:" or "S:" field * Fixed Xref article encoding for log when article's-body-aborted-by-NG-"Max" * Fixed "Buffer Overrun" error when viewing some format=flowed articles * Fixed bug for NG names with no '.' chars longer than 30 characters * Fixed non-functional scrollbars/PageUp/PageDown on "Headers" screen * Fixed non-functional scrollbars/PageUp/PageDown for ".sig" settings * Fixed a few minor typos on the help screens * Moving the column separator on Article List screen updates col labels * Fixed crash if Reverse/Rot13 empty string * Fixed crash when "GoTo prev/next Subject/Thread" menu chosen in empty NG * Fixed bug of not properly disconnecting from server after auth failure * Cannot "delete read" or "unread" internal groups (Drafts/Outgoing/Sent) Here are the changes new in release 2.1 on July 7, 2004 (from 2.0): * Memory Free in upper-right corner updated during Install/Index * Made PocketPurchase.prc TOTALLY optional * Delete Read Arts functionality restored to Yanoff- * Fixed crash when using "Test SMTP Server" in Yanoff- * Fixed crash when modifying Server #0 (SMTP; see above) in Yanoff- * Fixed bug causing non-0 "Use" value in "Poll Prefs" to be lost * Fixed bug causing occasional wrong ButtonAction to be performed * Fixed bug causing "Misc Prefs" checkmarks to be settable but non clearable * Removed debugging "BUG expired..." alert * Removed debugging "Toggle Debug" menu items from Yanoff- Here are the changes new in release 2.0 on June 26, 2004 (from GPL Yanoff): * Full compatibility with OS4, OS5 (Garnet) * Go online/offline within the app (new preference) * 3-level "Confirm Deletes" preference (none/many/all) * Font selection (currently just for article view but later everywhere) * Scores of memory leak plugs and memory waste shrinks * Full Global Find support (with Enable/Body/Subject/From/Reply-To/MsgID/Refs preferences) * Proper "articles deleted" code to handle repositioning of selected article * All long-duration operations report thier current stage of operation and can be aborted AND RESTARTED WHERE THEY WERE * All long-duration operations respond to (accept interrupts for) system events (power button, alarms, etc.) * Include only highlighted text when quoting the original article (Re/F'Up); this allows the removal of the "Quote article" dialog! * New ".sig Blanks" Misc Pref inserts space between quoted text and signature * Quoted followups/replies put the cursor AFTER the quoted text (before the .sig delimiter); most top-posters are just L-A-Z-Y and this will deter 99% of them * Added "Button Action Prefs" allowing users to configure 6 hardbuttons and up to 3 soft buttons on each screen allowing for things such as automatically calling "Delete Read Articles" when jumping between newsgroups * Better connect/disconnect rules: If not connected: connect, poll, disconnect. If connected: poll (stay connected). * Anti-Spam feature to skip article bodies if "Lines:" or "Newsgroups:" headers exceed user-specified limits. * Killfile support (selected authors' articles not downloaded and headers discarded) * Added "Purge Killfile" which works the same as "Purge MsgIDs" (a killfile entry's timestamp is updated whenever an article is killed) * Editing of Killfile * Editing of Scoring DB * Logging preferences: Dailog/Memo w/wo timestamp for Error/Minor/Major/Debug; this allows uninterupted polling (uncheck Error:Dialog)! * Find (and Find Again) text within article * Much more Hi-Res friendly (no hard-coded screen assumptions); completely Hi-Res compatible (can't try it) * Speeded up threading several thousand percent and flattened the performance curve (speed/articles-in-newsgroup) to almost completely linear (before it was a steep "hockey-stick" based on number of articles already threaded). Right now it threads at about 1.5 articles/second when using the newly implemented "thread cahces" (reference, subject, or both) on my Visor Prism. With mostly short threads, it is more like 3a/s; with mostly long threads it is more like 1a/s. The RAM cost is quite satisfactory; only about 3K/100articles/cache (or, to put it another way, about 110% of the size of the Newsgroup-# file for each cache). * Added new thread caching preference to NG Prefs: None, Subject, Reference, or both (radical speed increase for post-poll index/thread function) * "Indexing" (threading) is radically enhanced (more accurate) and speeded up (even when not using caches) * Automatic generation of thread databases (don't need to reindex after changing caching preference) * Each thread DB may be manually queried to im/prove threading (partner to above change) * "Recalculate next reindex" function to allow recovery of where reindex should begin if there's a crash/reset during indexing/threading * Handle white space in downloaded headers (i.e. "Newsgroups": articles were being lost) * Handle "lost articles" better (notify user they exists and ask what to do with them) * "Bip" aural feedback for (non-evident) successful operations (e.g. author added to killfile) * Fixed "Beep" preference so it is global and expanded the concept to what is now "Sound Prefs". * Several "lost pixels" have been reclaimed for all list screens * Smart newsgroup name reduction (e.g -> rec.g.v.arcade.marketplace) * Rot13 and "ReverseText" available on all edit menus * Enhanced "saved state" allowing you "jump back" to: * Header/Body * Scroll position * Highlighted text * Body/Header view is persistent; if you move to an article with no Body, you are no longer thrown into the header. If you are viewing a header and move to another article, you will continue viewing headers until you push the "Body" button * Many new (or newly menued) article Goto commands including: * Goto top * Goto bottom * Goto first Marked article * Goto first Locked article * Goto first Unread article * Goto Prev Subject * Goto Next Subject (thread) while reading (i.e. kill thread) * Goto Next Subject * Goto Prev Article * Goto Next Article * Goto Prev Unread * Goto Next Unread * Goto Prev Marked * Goto Next Marked * Goto Prev Locked * Goto Next Locked * Non-progress-dialog (i.e. pre OS 3.5) support for long-duration-operations can be cancelled by tapping Menu silk (can't tap "cancel" button if there's no dialog) * Delete Unlocked Articles (i.e. "catch up") feature added * New "Tap Action" preference to toggle your choice of Lock/Read/Mark flags in article list view * "Get:" Poll Preference fixed to properly support "Headers-first" use. It now has, "New Headers", "New Bodies", "Old Bods+New Heads", and "All Bodies". Set "Get" to "OB+NH" and "Tap Action" to "Un/Lock". Then scan the headers, tap-locking the ones for which bodies are desired. Then "Delete Unlocked" and Poll again (reading bodies and unlocking articles as desired). The last 3 features are partners * Along with Cut Sig (now "Trim .sig" which has been moved to Poll Preferences) are: * Trim MIME [if "plain text" stanza present, trim all other stanzas (also decodes '=##' tags). Whenever this is done, it sets the "Mark" bit because it is possible this might actually not work properly in all cases; this way you can know it was "de-MIMEd" and send me a bug report] * Trim Lead(ing White Space: BLANK LINES ONLY) * Trim Trail(ing White Space) * "MutliTrim" All 4 (MIME/.sig/Lead/Trail) [i.e. 'at once', saving user 3 stylus strokes] * Decode OR Trim MIME '=##' tags (don't those drive you CRAZY?) * The above options plus "Trim selected text" are available as manual operations, too * "MultiTrim all articles" function (uses trim settings on Poll Prefs) to regain wasted space on existing articles * MANY menu options renamed, shortcutted, and moved around to more "proper" places. * NG Poll Prefs removed entirely (it was 100% redundant after minor code changes) * "General Poll Prefs" renamed to "Global Poll Prefs" (partner to above change) * Export to Memo exports selected text only (plus header) if any is selected * Put "Subject" on top in header (looks better when exported to memo) * Low Memory Poll Auto-Abort ("Poll abort at ####KB" on Poll Prefs) * Memory Free in upper-right corner updated during Polling (partner to above change) * Enhanced header display (Reply-To: and References: added plus space-savings) * PageUp/PageDown buttons for all list screens * "Intro" preference split into "Re Intro" and "F'Up Intro" * Tons of scrolling/redrawing (too frequently) bugs fixed; this radically increases speed/performance * When viewing article header, the title bar shows DB vitals: NGDB Position.NGDB UID:ArtDB Position.ArtDB UID * Rearrange Newsgroups (or alphabetize them back the way they were) * Multiple mail server definitions allowed * Optional SentBox support * Added function to Find/Fix bogus article references in corrupted NGs * Editing and manipulating of outgoing articles sensibly redesigned * Now possible to delete individual articles at any time * Added new "Next Article to Poll" preferences to NG Prefs * Preference: Use MsgIDs (for people low on RAM: this takes a good bit of RAM) * "Sample arts" moved from NG Prefs to Poll Prefs * Slight redesign of "Poll What" preference (added "Old Bodies + New Headers") * Update of Server Pref 'port' from 4 digits to 6 digits * Word wrap can now be turned completely OFF (Quoted-Printable MIME is used instead) * Fixed and automated the TimeZone to use OS data (removed server pref) * No longer shows "Re: " in title bar of article body (shows more text for long subjects) * Don't "stack" forms; rather discard them as user moves deeper/shallower through them (saves memory/heap; small time penalty) * Recreate Newsgroups (i.e. start over using only NewsArts and NewsSubscriptions PDBs; useful for "swapping" w/ other users [e.g. bug reports] and for renumber NewArts[#].pdb files) * Email the author button * Test SMTP configuration (send an email and receive immediate reply) * Auto-email crash report if app ever crashes (configurable) * "Repopulate MIDs" function to add current articles' MIDs to History DB * Delete temporary buffer file, "Newsbuffer" (32K) when done using it * Set backup bits for very important files/DBs (killfile, arts, scorefile, subscriptions; everything else can be reconstructed fairly easily) * Display Hex ASCII (of selected text); I needed this for debug but why remove it? * All help texts rewritten for clarity and code changes * Vestigial-most-significant-digit "KB free" display bug fixed * Patch scroll_acc leaks (pending scrolls "lost" if app exit before returning to frame) * If one clicks the left column in article list it used to redraw all rows, now just that 1 row * "Select/ed" changed to "Mark/ed" for clarity and ambiguity resolution (and it saves 1 char); considering doing this again to change it to "Tag/ged". * "Keep/t" changed to "Lock/ed" for clarity * Fixed bug that when drag-highlight-scrolling, scrollbar does follow and is out-of-sync * Added "key" icon and "From" -> "|From" in article view header * Automatic mandatory signature delimiter ("-- ") insertion * Update of default signature to praise Jesus! * Update of massena default server to * MAJOR reformatting of the source including: * Removal of all tabs * My personal preferences for brace positioning, etc. * #defines -> typedef enums wherever possible * "const" added to function parameters wherever possible * Several new code sections * More useful return codes (usually Booleans) added wherever possible * Better and more consistent variable and function (re)naming * Whenever I had to figure something out, I added comments to explain how it worked and why * Lots of hardcoded text moved to lang.c and lang.h (I mean *LOTS*) * Added programmability to enable/disable existing Ydebug facility * Added menu options to manually enable/disable Ydebugs at run-time (partner to above change) * Added optional memory tracker feature to locate memory leaks (beta only) [1] Copyright 1979, 1980 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 1999-2005 by SonLight Software and Gregg E. Woodcock |